Stop in for a cup of coffee

So I have been looking into the amp gauge bypass for the GTS but it occurred to me that the recommended wiring modifications are over done. I think I have a better way.

The circuit modification I propose is shown in the image below. Diagram A is stock, Diagram B is what I see recommended and Diagram C is what I propose...

By doing it this way it replaces the amp meter as the main bus and gives the charging current a much larger path to travel. It addresses the main issues as follows:

1. The Amp meter is now shunted as a secondary path (similar to the GM design of that era) reducing the current load through the gauge.

2. It will still provide charging power to the main electrical system and battery even if the amp gauge fails.

3. The amp gauge will still operate and show when the system is in a 'discharge' state indicating an alternator failure.

4. It does not require extensive modification of an otherwise 'healthy' electrical wiring harness just to prevent an issue. It simply requires running a heavy gauge wire from the alternator to the positive battery cable either at the relay connection or at the battery terminal.

Does anyone have any thoughts about this?