Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good evening folks! Sounds like everyone has been having fun on the Isle of Carl. I got some stuff done on the GTS today.

I have been having a "clunk-clunk-clunk" noise coming from the right front wheel under heavy braking for the past few weeks. It doesn't do it under normal braking. I figured I'd drive it and get it to make the noise often enough to either get it to break something or at least leave some wear marks so I could figure out what's causing it.

Today I pulled the brakes apart and found the marks I was hoping for to identify the issue. Turns out the outside pad top tab was bent about a 1/4" out of position (loose) causing the pad to bounce off the hub during heavy braking. The top tab is where the yellow arrow is pointing and the spot where it was bouncing off the hub is the green arrow below...

I pulled the pad out and whacked the tab a couple of times with a hammer to bend it back into the correct place and put it all back together. Went for a drive more noise!