Talk me out of this!

Buy the car, and sell it to me for $1500. I can send pictures to both your uncle and yourself of my restorations to help ease your minds of its ultimate fate and place in my garage.
You don't need another car. All the bloody knuckles, stubbed toes, sore backs, endless contributions to your swear jar, countless hours spent combing the Internet for used parts, not to mention your soon to be depleting empty bank account and bare food cupboards in your house because every dime you have will go into that money pit on four jack stands in the corner of your garage. Just don't do it! Clip the coupon, make your quick $500 off me which will buy a years worth of haggerty insurance and plenty of gas for you to turn into burnt hydro carbons in your '67 as you truly just go and enjoy life for the first time in over 12 years....

Did that work?

I'll se his $1500 and raise it to $2000. I've been working on a 68 Barracuda for too long that still needs a lot of attention. I would love a project that is only some assembly required!