Need photos of early A dash frames

I've designed a custom gauge panel for my 66 dart that I will have 3d Printed. I will likely buy a 3D printer and make the piece (and my other dash pieces) myself. To help recoup the cost, I'll likely be selling more prints, but I'd like to be able to make the pieces useable in as many early a bodies as possible.

Having reference photos of dash frames would be a big help, if you have one please share.

FYI If you're interested in a gauge panel, these will be sold in a raw black condition. Some Sanding would be required to remove layer lines, maybe even some body filler, and then paint. With a high enough resolution print I'm hoping to keep that to a minimum. I might start a kickstarter and presell panels for $230, with the expectation that post launch orders will be $290. Obviously if you're a fabricator then you wouldn't be interested. But for those of us without the fabrication tools and skills to make a quality piece, this is cheaper than paying someone else to make it from metal. Anyway, not interested in arguing the merits of the plan. Even if I never sell one, having a 3D printer will be its own reward when trying to restore a car with 50 year old plastic in it.

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