Asa needs a little help

So true - he is a good guy. As down as he has been, it was Asa that started the Tom and Dee auction and put some of his own personal collectable property out there, he's willing to give even when there's only a few bucks left in his own jar.. ya gotta admire that.
I also admire ALL of you who have stepped up here and donated - Thank you again! Of course, the more the merrier - so.. Saturday morning call out here!! :thumbsup: It would be great to see a few more!!

so true. this is a man that gives what HE can when there is someone that can use some help.

my old granddad told me when I was a kid, ( back a few years), the old saying. never judge anyone till you walk a mile in their boots. sorta like my youngest daughter. she just turned 40 few days ago. she looks like a model, works full time job, drives 35 mi one way to get there, has 4 kids, she had Chrone's Disease bad , and 12 years ago the docs removed here large intestine. has to use that "bag". most people do not know.

we all have a load to bare, if we can share just a small portion of our good fortune, it is a wonderful thing in this life of ours. seems to me.