Going to resurrect a Daisy Dukes CJ Jeep!
So then, a little more, as the brake details were drying, and the glue was setting up, I picked up the body to see what and where I could then go with it, from where it last was, I got a little better picture of the inside with the gear shift in place as well as the 4x4 gear shift all in place as well as the Emergency Brake lever too! I have to say, its amazing what you can achieve with different "sheens" of the same color! And the outward look it gives off....
You have flat black, semi-gloss black as well as gloss black seen in the above picture! ALL from Testors 1/4 ounce square bottles!
Then, you have the front passenger seat & mount in place..... Not lookin' to shabby I have to say!
Little different angle.... Shows that its turning out well! This has to be thee hardest "dash" I ever worked on even tho, it doesn't have much on or in it....
Then while I was looking over the "Chrome" parts tree.... for interior parts, I seen the head light bezels.. WELL damn, they need to go in place! So off the tree they came, cleaned them up and in place they went.....
NOW its starting to look like a Jeep!
Enjoy! More to come, as I have more to type out but I'm running out of gas..... LOL
Stay tuned later today, more will follow!