How hard to replace headlight switch on 67 Valiant?

Also, check the ground. About a year ago (when I was putting my Cuda back together) my lights wouldn't work. It drove me nuts until I realized I had forgotten to attach the two grounding wires. There is one on each side on my 69. The could be attached, but not making a ground. Also, before you go to the trouble of replacing the switch, see if you have power going to the headlight pigtail. When tracing electrical problems, I usually check the following things in the following order: Check the fuse, Check to see if current is getting to the item (using a circuit tester check for current in the wire(s) plugged into the item that is not working, Check the ground (if you do have power going to the item, try grounding it to a known good ground. if it works now, a bad ground was the problem), test the item itself (for example using a 12 volt battery make sure the light (or whatever) works, Check the switch (current going into and out of switch from the appropriate wires when the switch is moved) , and check the wiring last.