Going to resurrect a Daisy Dukes CJ Jeep!

OK on the engine bay.. details, details...... ohh did I mention DETAILS????? :D
Its almost done! Have a look! I'll point things out as I see them, for those who are following along!

So you got the whole battery set-up wired in, and then I took and added in my OWN "horn" kit came with none at all! Wired it in, as a "green" wire. THEN this is a complete first for me, I wired in the headlights! WHY? WELL the headlight bezels have the wire coming out and follow the grille supports back to the firewall! SO, being thats a "seen" detail on the real thing, WELL yeah, it HAD to be put on my model! -Also notice the brake booster & master cylinder are in place WITH coiled brake lines!!!! -I had to let the glue dry "hard" so I can go back and fit the piping to the proper holes in the triple valve on the frame.... Thats to come! (Gonna be a fun one to do as its tight quarters in there!!!! BUT, I'll get it!

The grille supports through the engine compartment are brass!!!! I did NOT like the kit supplied parts and how damn brittle they seemed so I made my own from 1/16th brass rod, that was painted the same color as the body.... Super Glued in place, with heat-shrink tubing used as a "loom" type thing to hold them to the grille supports. Left un-shrunk till I got the headlight wires through them on the passenger side, then I headed a brass rod up so to not "burn" anything as all that heat shrink tubing needs to shrink is heat, not flame! This will hold the headlight BLUE wire in place as its only glued into the headlight bezel WITH a plug boot (if you look!)
I also have to go back and paint the master cylinder "lid" to look like brass...... I see its unpainted! Like I said, there are some small details I have to go back and fix, paint, or merely just touch up, BUT the ole Engine Compartment here isn't lookin' to bad!

Last but not least, and "overall" look at the engine bay..... YES, it took some work, some thought, and some extra parts to make it look this way BUT I think it fits Daisy Dukes Jeep CJ-7 VERY WELL!!!!!
Thats it for progress for now! More to come as I get more done!!!!