Going to resurrect a Daisy Dukes CJ Jeep!
To follow up, I did a little research on this Jeep to follow along to as close as I could get it to Daisy's REAL Jeep in the show.... One thing I noticed during "fitting" was the side steps. they right from the kit are HUGE. they almost "over power" the look of the Jeep, and for that, I took and went about it in a whole other way! Have a look:

The one on the left, is the box stock part.... It measured damn close 20 scale inches long! Looking at the real Jeep (WITH Daisy in the picture), to make sure it wasn't a "clone"Jeep, they are about twice the size of her foot.... SO, I took and "sectioned" them, using all kit stock parts BUT the Diamond Plate! -The one on the right is the one I shrunk.....

Nice shot showing the Diamond plate "tread" well..... The Diamond Plate came to me just in time for this from our very own "mopar".... Thanks Dan! AND I still have enough to make the bumpers to my '67 Power Wagon too!

Now I began by cutting with a razor saw, long ways against the vertical uprights, down till just about the thickness of the kit box stock Diamond Plate, then cut it right up to the center brace.... One I cut through to that center brace I merely just clipped off the "ear" on either side of the step. -You can see one of the factory "ears" of the Diamond Plate in the upper left-hand corner....
I then took a file, with a NO cutting "edge" to file the top of that little center brace that goes underneath the Diamond Plate to keep everything the same height.

I then made 2 pieces of Diamond Plate to fit the new step's frame.... Seen waiting to be glued onto the frame! Notice how "wide" the stock frame is, and how I made the one already done narrower to make it smaller so to not "over-power" the side of the Jeep as in one picture I have the steps are in fact rather small!

One side, of the frames bracing cut off.... I took the center brace, matched it up to my 1/25th scale ruler, and cut the brace at a point that would make the over-all step 12 inches wide. 6 inches deep. -I then took the corner of that brace, measured in from its end to remove the material out of that horizontal brace, to make the over-all one side, 6 inches from center.

I did the exact same thing to the other side, BUT in this picture notice the center brace, still connected to the horizontal ones are even more short then the last picture? I removed that amount from that horizontal brace, to get my 12 inch wide step....

All the parts glued in place and drying.... When they're dry, I plan to paint them Testors Semi-Gloss Black, just to have a slight "shine" to them.... And to have them stand out against the flat black "undercoated" frame....
As this is being typed, I took the bumpers and soaked them in over cleaner to remove the chrome from them. Daisy Dukes Jeep, did NOT have Chrome bumpers! They were gloss black! SO one is done and on the Jeep (the rear bumper) and one has a coat of gloss black on the back-side of it drying till I can do the front "face" of the bumper.
I also changed the tail light details too, they were also NOT correct to the Jeep Daisy had in the show, and mine will reflect those that were on her Jeep!
This is it for now! More to come when things get done (Or while they're being done!)