Going to resurrect a Daisy Dukes CJ Jeep!
A few days worth of fighting with the windshield, I think I got it as best I could...... The real "Dixie" wasn't nothing like the model, BUT I was to far into it to stop and change it all, and then repaint!!!! GO FIGURE! (A LOT is wrong with this model to the real one!)
Got the frame painted to match the Jeep body, and then got the windshield wipers painted "Aluminum", and the "motors" Semi-Gloss Black. Once dry to handle, I installed the windshield! AFTER that, was dry, I worked on fitting the so-called shield-flip hinges, What a PITA those were!!!! The instructions don't show them clearly, AND the "inner" hinge is NOT what it shows to be in the instructions! NOT AT ALL!
The hinges are chromed, and on the real thing, there aren't any, BUT because of the model, being what it is, I had to do something more to make them, fit the model and look the part, SO I sanded off the chrome where they got glued, and began by adding the passenger-side outside hinge half, FIRST, then got to figuring out HOE the passenger-side "inner" hinge fit, as the pin "hole" has either upwards facing, or downward facing, WILL fit either way, make NO mistake, here, they must face DOWNWARD!
Over-all shot, of it sitting and drying! I added glue to the bottom edge of the frame as well as the inner edge of the dash "top" where the windshield would sit to glue it in place (it can be let to "hinge" without gluing) BUT I want it to be "solid"....
So, I left the whole works sit and dry, for a couple hours to be STRONG to the painting of the hinges. They are to become Semi-Gloss Black!
More to follow after these short messages!!!