Going to resurrect a Daisy Dukes CJ Jeep!
Well guys, here comes some REAL CRAZY detail...... nothing less from me! (don't you all know it!) Anyway, I mentioned the valve train and engine block valley detail, as well as the cam openings in the center of the blocks valley. WELL You seen pics of me "milling" out the center to add the plastic rod to then be milled for the bearing locations on the cam as well as the lobe openings that I spoke of, so heres what that end result looks like:
Notice the "valley" center? Its WHITE, bare evergreen styrene "rod", that I milled the block to except, and look as it does, to then go and vertical mill out the "cut outs" where the cam lobes would be seen rotating! (I have yet to make the parts for this for the cam to go into these areas! (IT WILL be there when I'm ready for it to be, I have some other work yet to be done!
This picture -----^
Notice the FRONT of the block? The hole drilled down the center of the block thats made from my resin cast for the cam! YES it goes all the way to the back of the block too!
NOW, I'll end this post there for a short time, theres another post to follow! -STAY TUNED!