Going to resurrect a Daisy Dukes CJ Jeep!
Well as I said guys, there WAS more coming and here it comes!!!! LOL I took and got to lookin' at the Jeep and the wheels needed some added details! Valve stems would go a long ways!!! SO, I took and seen what I had for wire, and what drill bit I needed. I had steel music wire, that was .020" thick. SO, I went to make sure I had a drill bit to drill a hole just a bit bigger then the wire being used to allow glue to go around the wire in the rim. SO, that all worked out! Have a look:
Holes were drilled as deep as I could for valve stem length adjustment, while gluing. So the valve stems are just shy of 1/4 inch long.
Holes were drilled into the rims in staggering locations around its circumference to look realistic!
More to follow, The detailing of the "load" going in the back is coming! Stay tuned, Comments welcome ENJOY!!!!