Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

Today was D-day. I had to go back to the dentist. As always I was nervous going in. They'd said they were going to pull 2 more teeth in preparation for dentures. Knowing that needles were going to be part of the process, my nervousness grew to a sense of dread. I told myself to buck up and keep my cool. After all, I wouldn't want them seeing me crying like a baby (again).

By the time I got to Lincoln I'd calmed myself down. My back was still acting up so I walked into the office hunched over. The sinuses were flaring up too. I had a headache. The day wasn't off to a great start.

By the time it was my turn to go in my head was throbbing. The dentist had a smile on his face. Sure - he wasn't about to have someone stab needles into HIS mouth and then have them yank out 2 of HIS teeth! I doubt I smiled back. I haven't done a lot of smiling since they took my top teeth. I think I still looked calm.

As soon as I was comfortably settled into the chair the dentist proceeds to tell me he's about to pull 6 of my remaining 8 teeth. Now... - wait a minute. I'd been told they were to be pulling 2! I wasn't prepared for 6! The assistant may have noticed a look of sheer terror because she began making small talk and didn't stop until the session was over. Her words may have been an attempt to drown out the sound of any screams. I don't really know what she was going on about. In my head I imagined it was all maniacal laughter.

I kept my eyes closed as much as I could. Every time I opened them I caught a glimpse of another needle. They must have gotten a volume discount on them. By the time he was done I think I had difficulty feeling my toes.

With (almost) enough Novocaine to stop the pain of an Obama speech it didn't take long and it was over. I didn't mind the crunching sound of each tooth as he took them out. With my eyes closed I pictured the dentist wearing a necklace made of my teeth around his neck.

It's 7 hours since I had the teeth pulled and I still can't talk. My jaw feels as if it's broke and my mouth is still filling with blood. I must be quite a sight. - Hunched over, blood constantly trickling from the edge of my mouth, squeezing my head with both hands while moaning...

The only bright side to the day is that I skipped my antibiotic this morning to prevent stomach problems. It might have been pretty disgusting when the dentist told me he was taking 4 extra teeth.

Tomorrow I go back. The specialist that fits the dentures wants to make sure they're right. With any luck I'll be chewing then!