I have to be totally honest- my Dart has been a ray of sunshine in an otherwise abysmal and painful period of my life.
I've had it since I was 17 (I'm 38 now) and it has always represented joy to me. I've needed some of that lately...turns out that a hobby, particularly when it comes in the form of a lovable, simple, honest Chrysler A Body, can be pretty good for the soul.
I'm well aware that it's not a collector's piece, it's not the fastest car around but it's a link to happier times in my life and it's a place to invest time and care...the car gives it back 10x.
I could probably ask 2-3k for it if I sold it...but they'd also have to pry my corpse out from behind the wheel. Wouldn't sell it for $30,000. :D