Personal improvment project

Yep i relate better to mechanical things. I can make mechanical things "happy" when i fix them to run well. People eh not so much. I find that the more i learn about people , the more i prefer the company of my dog.

I think i am about as improved as i am gonna get. 47 years on this rock, i think i'm pretty much set in my ways. Tried the new improved for 2016 year model rollout. Was a bust, prefer last years model me to version 47.0. Actually the 2008-2010 model of me was pretty good.

Making no promises to do better, be better, change this or that, some sorta new and improved whatever. Sometimes the "improvements" are not what they are cracked up to be. Sometimes you prefer the V speed wiper system as archaic as it is to the full delay wiper system. Doesnt break that easy, and you know whatcha got.

Only promises i'm making will be to do a bit more on my project car, but not specify how much, thats a set up for failure.

Happy new model year 2017 folks. I will stick with acrylic laquer, points, carb, 4 speed metaphorically speaking
