Starting a new job tomorrow

Congrats on upcoming baby Robert!
New job sounds great. Although I would be worried about job/career length with work being "made to order".
Amazing in this day and age with some of the work conditions companies create that employees have to work in. (Asbestos etc)
Congrats on upcoming kidlet amd new job! Job sounds very cool. Can you build me an Amphicar for Christmas? ? Lol

Job length had me concerned, too, Steve. Until I did a little research and started talking to people. Seems the plant has been there since the early 2000's and hasn't been empty. Consider that against Alstom, which closed down in '09 and didn't restart until '14. Once the Green Line contract is up in early '17 there will be very little work in the body shop, with only very little paint work and no body work to be done on the MTA, MBTA, and PATCO lines. They're already talking slow down on Green Line for assembly to catch up and strip has been furloughed. The body shop is bracing for furloughs, too. Seems like I'm walking out at the right time.

Thanks for the congrats on the new little one. We're sixteen weeks long at this point and it won't be before too long we'll be finding out gender. My fingers got ahead of me. Due date is January.

Here's a link to CAMI's website if anyone is interested. The Avoca shop is dedicated to the Hydra-Terra, but they've also built the Responders and the Landing Craft.
