Intake Choice???????

RRR, I agree, build your engine your way. And when you come for advice and it doesn't meet your approval, tuff cookies. You try very often and often get ignored or adversity.

Marz, I need to get off the island?
I would love to! How about you kiss my azz? Give me your address? I'll be right down OK?!?!
Id love to write what I truly feel but I am sure I'll be banned. Sum up every nasty reply you can conjure up and multiply it by 10 square and you have just hit the top of the ice burg of what I got for you, you second rate crap stain.

I'm out, enjoy, C-ya!
Sure dude come on down. I'm not going to kiss your *** but, I might do something else to it and, I'm not talking any sexual stuff either but, it does start with letter s and ends with letter t. You are why New Yorkers get such a bad wrap. This is why I moved people thinking they are more important than they really are. I had a repair shop in the Hamptons and, dealt with the legends in the own mind people, day in and day out. It gets tiresome. You sir need to check the tude at the door when entering this forum. My pops taught me a few things and, one was you get more bees with honey than vinegar. Later Beta as in Masterbeta.