66 Dart GT HT Whatsitgonnabe?

Ok, you're probably going to roll your eyes and shake your heads but I swapped wheels today. I bought a set of JB slots from Ulf and sold my Shelby slots to a local guy. I've leaned heavily on the guy to join the forum and he just might. He's owned a few US cars and just recently bought his late uncles (currently his sisters) '66 Dart convertible. Hopefully it'll show up here soon.

Anyway, here are my new rims:
2016-08-05 17.27.25.jpg

They're 14x6 with 185/85 and 14x7 with old 215/65 respectively. Center caps included!

I'll need to find some better looking lugnuts, though... Or make my own?

2016-08-05 17.46.46.jpg

And ... The Box is shipped! @krazykuda left a big box with USPS today so pretty soon I'll have lots of new stuff to show!