Thoughts and opinions on this cam

If the compression ratio is well worked out, you can put a 1 barrel carb on it, and expect "plenty of torque and have a little thump." But if by thump, you mean idle lope, no, um, not hardly noticeable.
If the engine is not yet installed, I urge you to figure out the exact compression ratio, and get the advertised Intake Closing point,(or figure it out), and do some math to see if this beast is gonna be driveable, on pumpgas.
Here is an example;
The 408 has a swept cylinder volume of 408/8x16.387 =835.7cc
The total chamber volume to run that cam would need to be around (I'm doing some guessing on the roller),98ccwith iron heads. This would get you an Scr of 9.5,a Dcr of 8.27, and cylinder pressure of 166psi. This is about the limit for pumpgas.
So lets look at those 98cc.
The gasket might be 9cc, the eyebrows 5,the heads 62?. So we are up to 76cc. That means you are gonna need 22 in the piston and deck. That's a lotta cc's.
Just a reminder, I guessed at the ICA of that roller.And the gasket spec is for a FellPro .039ers