Cars you always wanted, but never admitted to...
back in HS a kid a couple years older had a 55 chev, fiberglass front, 4 speed, engine??, maroon, black roll and pleat interior..... it had that stance, that look, and run pretty good. ya know what it gave me!
first fast car I had a ride in was my buddy's cousin's 64 impala, 409, 4 speed. yes it laid us wayyyy back in the seat. he traded it in to the chevy dealer, wow I wanted that. a black dude bought it and promptly blew the engine. guess it was a blessing I didn't get a hold of it!
I have had bought ever mopar built, from hemis to max wedge to slants and all in between. I passed on my choice of 3 superbird projects a buddy had. all V codes. all missing important stuff like wing, or fenders, or nose. bout '95, $5000 take my pick. ( he could find bargains like a blood hound)....
what I really want now is a decent early A body wagon project. cheap! ha... like I need another project.