Hope that makes you feel better. But presently my car has no rear suspension in it all. The clapped out stuff is long gone, hence my attention to this thread because I am looking. Hard to sell me when you've talked me out of it, because this 6 link suspension as far as what's being discussed is that it is not quite for the x-crossers, doesn't quite fit in for the drag crowd, and is not intended for daily driving as mentioned by another supporter of this product. While the quality of the construction might be outstanding it's middle of the road generic, not the next best thing since sliced bread. Most middle of the road people are not going to want all the maintenance and upkeep/inspection. While it sounds like it does ok for most things, does it excel at anything? Ma Mopar had this sorted 50 years ago whether you want to run 9's or carve. The stuff still works today, and will survive on the street on a dual purpose car virtually untouched for another 30 years