Steering Column Woes and Questions - Connector, Lower Bearing, and Coupler

For anyone interested in the bearing, after some more cleaning, was able to read the bearing part number - 3575884. Apparently it was used until the 80s, but the dealership parts guy said it was no longer in service so he couldn't get it. Can't seem to get a seal for it or find a Teflon or nylon washer large enough to fit around the barrel to serve that purpose. So I've got to figure out what to do there. Now that it's cleaned, it spins beautifully. Hate to have to replace it for just a seal. I'm going to try a marine store. They may have large diameter nylon/teflon washers for water-proof applications.

As to the screws/bolts to hold it to the jacket, neither NAPA nor a large hardware store had the goods. It seems to be a 1/4 inch , but both coarse and fine thread bind immediately. I think I'm just going to tap it to 1/4 if I can somehow seal the bearing.