Dot 5 Silicone fluid opinions

I use DOT 5 silicone in all my non-ABS cars. The pedals are hard. I recently replaced the 1 pot cast-iron MC in my 65 Newport to a dual MC (for safety). After ~10 yrs w/ silicone, it was spotless inside. The military uses/used DOT 5, indeed I have bought 1 gal mil surplus cans. People that suggest it is bad because water that drips in the reservoir (anyone that stupid?) won't be absorbed, must have that imagined problem with their power steering reservoir. I have always changed to DOT 5 when redoing the system, so flushed the tubing well, but there is no incompatibility problem, just that any leftover nasty glycol (DOT 3, 4, or 5.1) are places that may rust, as TrailBeast mentioned. Re paint removal, has anybody seen an old A that didn't have the firewall all rusted underneath the MC? I have used old glycol as a cheap paint remover.