Stop in for a cup of coffee

Hi folks!

I got the spare tire stuff finished in the GTS tonight.

New stainless steel carriage bolt with a washer to make it match diameter...
Spare tire 5.jpg

Cleaned up the tire well...
Spare tire 6.jpg

Mounted new bolt with a washer and nut to make it rigid...
Spare tire 7.jpg

Cleaned up the spare and put it in place...
Spare tire 8a.jpg

Put in the new cover board (which now sits flush with the floor like it should)...
Spare tire 9.jpg

Fabricated a plastic cover cap so the bolt won't poke the trunk mat...
Spare tire 9a.jpg

Trunk mat sitting like it should...
Spare tire 9b.jpg

And a piece of 3/8" fuel line split down the side as an insulator for the jack mast to rest on...
Spare tire 9c.jpg

I'm now officially done with the stuff on my list for the trunk!