No racing for you!

So sunday afternoon/evening. I get a little bit of upset stomach/gas. I figure nothing of it. Dipped into the chilli a little early and chalk it up to that. Learned my lesson.

Monday at work I feel ok. Start getting more discomfort towards the end of the day. But the time I get home from work my guts feel like there's a brick in em. Figuring its revenge of the chilli I lay down. End up sleeping several hours. Wake up. Guts hurt more. Barely any appetite. So I lay up watching a little tv. Then go back to bed. Get up in the morning for work and there's a hot knife in my gut. Push through. Go to work. Make it all of 1/2 an hour before I'm hurling. Boss is sending me home. Lay in bed most of the day today. Still hurting. Finally around 20 hours of this I decide "Ok, this isn't just revenge of the chilli, there's something going on".

Turns out. My appendix hates me. Got to the hospital, surgery, doc said if I waited a few more hours probably woulda burst. In the hospital at 1:30, out at 10:30 (gotta love quick easy surgery, like hell I was spending the night in there). As I'm being discharged nurse asks me if I have any questions. She's already told me no work for a week, no lifting more than 10lbs for 5-6 weeks (there go any plans of working on the car). I ask "Well what about racing? I wanted to go racing on friday, think the staples will hold" "No racing for you. If anything happens it can tear em out". She's cute so I figure I better listen. Although going back in might be a good way to get her number!

Well thanks for ruining my weekend stupid appendix! What the hell does that thing even do anyways!