No racing for you!

I'm glad mine didn't burst. I saw that happen to my buddy, all 6'4 260 of him. Hit the kitchen floor like a sack of potatoes, in the middle of the night no less! His poor old dad had to carry his *** into the car and into the hospital. And he ended up in there 3-4 days if I recall.

I'm already up and about today. Ran some errands. Got prescription stuff. Filled some short term disability stuff. Doc says take 4-6 weeks off. But that's with lifting. If I lift less than 10 pounds I should be good to go in about a week. Gunna get my staples out Tuesday, see how I feel Wednesday. Hopefully back to work Thursday. I hate missing work. I'm going to go stir crazy around the house not being able to work on the car.

I was looking into what the appendix does. Apparently it helps produce some of the mucus that lubricates bowl movements. But not enough to be missed. I just told the doc to yard it out.