No racing for you!

If the nurse is that cute, then go racing tear the staples/stitches and then you can get to see her again.... :)

Haha that's what I was thinking! But she might be a little pissed at me haha. I shoulda told her that she can come with and ride along. That way if the staples rip she's right there to help! lol

Glad you're alright. No sense going back any sooner than necessary. I did that as a young man, and paid for it for years.

It's hard for me not to go back right away. I'm not one to sit on my butt. I've been working since I was 12. It's even harder right now cause I basically can't work on my car. So I'm just sitting here watching netflix and rotting. If I could work on the car then a week off would fly by. And I could get everything done. But I'm hoping to be back this time next week. No heavy lifting or anything.

Makes you wonder why they don't remove all the "extra" stuff man was born with that they don't need that only cause us trouble later on! Appendix,tong soles.Wisdom teeth etc.

I thought that myself. Why not just pull all that out when you're a baby and you won't even remember it. Although some reading on the appendix says it does create mucus to help lubricate your guts. And apparently removal of it does slightly increase your chance of chrons. So it must do at least something.