Stop in for a cup of coffee

David, Glass wax is the stuff if you can find it locally. It fills all the imperfections and lasts a while.

If you use car wax on the outside of the windows, rain beads off better...

Also any stickers won't stick to it...

They used to put stickers on cars at our high school that didn't have a parking permit, then the dean would stand at the exit every day and watch everyone leave... If you had a sticker on your car, he would pull you over and have you see him the next morning for discipline (detention)... We refused to sign the permit application giving them authority to search our cars at their whim, so we just drove to school without a permit.

I kept a widget in my car (68 Barracuda with shelf dashboard), and would scrape the sticker off the window every day before leaving...

Then we started working at the 10 min oil change and noticed that the door stickers would not stick if the customer had waxed the door jams... So we started waxing our windows, and the stickers peeled right off...

One time, I didn't have time to scrape the sticker off and he called me "Butch" and told me to see him the next morning. I told my brother (Butch) that he thought that I was him, so my brother told me to blow it off (he was already out of school).... The dean never caught me for that....