73 Swinger - Windows - regulator rebuild and recondition

Once you start replacing rollers (which is probably partially what is letting the window fall forward) you will see how it works.
It's not bad at all once you see them out of the door.

The two bolts I circled adjust the forward and back tilt of the glass, and I can tell you just by looking at it that they do not both go down at the bottom of their slot.
This is very likely why your glass does what it does.
If I remember, the left bolt gets raised most of the way towards the top of it's slot and the right one part way.
The hold the weight of the glass, so be ready for them to move suddenly when you loosen them, and it's a bit of a pain in the backside to hold them where you want to tighten them.
Anyway, play with lifting one or both at the same time and check out what they do.

The pic of the roller assy is what they use to attach the glass to the regulator slide at the bottom of the doors and it is VERY common for those to be loose.
The round metal disc is actually the nut and washer (one piece)that hold the assembly to the glass and is on the outside side of the glass while you are looking inside the door. (Fun to tighten or replace unless you have or make a tool for it.)
It is VERY important that those big washer/nut things have something to insulate them from the glass or the glass could just blow apart and fall into the bottom of the door. (I like inner tube rubber for that) if you need.

One more really important thing about these doors is that they HAVE to have the felt pads on the parts I circled AND the outer cat whisker/rubber seal AND the material on the tops of the plastic panels that go on the inner tops of the doors.
These parts are critical for the entire assembly to hold the glass from just flopping around since there is nothing else at the upper parts of the glass except those to hold the glass solid.

Rear windows hardly ever get used so they are normally in pretty good condition.
Problem is they get dirty from years of collecting dust and since they are usually pretty tight and not worn, dust in the old grease makes them really hard to move.
Taking the regulators out, cleaning, greasing and reinstalling usually takes care of those.

That aught to get you started. :D

