A Petty meeting?

My dad called me last night and ask if I would be interested in going to the Petty Reverie Place at the end of September for a Friday night dinner and Saturday cruise in. Kinda caught me off guard but after a second to think I said "hell yes"! One of dads friends is supposed to have tickets for this event and he's giving them to us. Now I dont have tickets in hand yet and I hope this really happens, but I can tell you I am excited for the possibilities. Im not a person that meets celebrities of any type but i would really like to meet the King! I was planning on going to a show in Ridgely Md in October to try to get the King to sign my Glove Box Door. Now maybe I will get a better chance to have that really happen. Is that going to far to ask him to sign that? If its ok do I get him to use a paint stick marker?
Im excited and just wanted to share this news with someone!
Thanks for listening.