Fabo the 340 Demon Kitty FOUR Years Later...

Wow, can you believe that it's been FOUR years to the day since we found a little injured kitten on that Ford car lot? Four years since KrazyKuda drove over an hour to meet up with people he didn't know and, with help from many of you out there, made sure this little kitten got the medical aid it sorely needed! For those of you who don't know the story, here's the link: Found an injured kitten... I warn you, it's rather long, but it is a good example of many people separated by distance coming together to support a worthy cause, and in the end it had a very happy ending! My wife Angie (MommaCat) and I will be forever grateful to Karl and all those who pitched in to help save our little Fabo kitty. I have attached some pics from back when we first found her, as well as some more recent pictures so you can see how she's doing.


Fabo milk 1b.jpg
Karl actually provided the above picture after he had picked her up...



