66 Dart GT HT Whatsitgonnabe?

The nearest swap meet out by me is in Dallas Fort Worth, in the parking lot area of the Texas Motor Speedway. Its about 3 hours drive down the highway from where i live. Man its huuuuge. I went and walked it and only saw maybe 1/3 of what was there. Next time i need to use my bicycle, and pull a small wagon behind it.

I did snag 2 sets of hurst A body 4 speed shifter linkages. The guy selling them didnt know what he had, i offered him $10, and he took it. I kept one set for myself, sold the other set here on fabo. I had to lengthen the 3/4 rod to use with the OD box, no biggie. Not too much mopar stuff though, mostly late model brand X.

We are starting to have local swap meets in my town, but they are kinda lame, i have some mopar stuff, i probably should bring my stuff to one of these and see if i can sell it.