Small block to big block convert questions..

Just finished up with a 440 install in a 72 dart. Headers are available, but EXPENSIVE. Some allow you to keep power steering, some don't. You'll most likely have to go to manual brakes unless you can figure out some kind of offset system.

Really, It's not he hurculanean task it seems to be. Schumacher makes the mounts and my engine/K member bolted right in from the bottom easily with no issues. I Put Schumacher's Torque strap on there to keep it from rocking and hitting things. I have some modified long tube chassis headers that are very close in many places to hitting the power steering box. THE BIGGEST issue that I'm having is cooling. Space is extremely limited up front with the RB. Without modifying the core support I didn't have room to run a mechanical with a clutch....or even an electric with my current radiator (champion) My current setup is a fixed mechanical with a 1" spacer.....and it's CLOSE, but sucks plenty of air. It's nearly hitting the AC compressor on the top and nearly hitting the RAD on the bottom. It's been a kinda PIA. There doesn't seem to be a consensus on exactly what cooling solution to run in the BB arena. It's seems all our spacing ends up slighting different. In the end, there are solutions to be had after the requisite about of frustration.

Would I change it to a small block? NOPE. The holy **** looks I get when I pop the hood are enough for me.
