Captainkirk's Duster project
The 'new' new pistons are here. Yay!!!
And this time they wrapped each bag with newspaper and actually used the dividers!
I had each and every one out and gave it the once-over...Houston, we are cleared for launch.
Gonna stop by Tony's, hopefully Saturday AM and drop them off so we can get on with the +.030 boring. Kinda sucks; I'm gonna have to shitcan a brand-new set of cam bearings (Tony says they need to hot tank it again after boring, which makes sense) but I guess we can save the new freeze plugs.
Well, that's the price of doing bid'ness.
'Special K' is moving right along, should be ready for treatment and paint next week.
I should buy stock in Rustoleum...
Looking at these babies, I know I made the right decision. And The Duke would be sportin' a big grin.