Altered Vin. How to figure the original VIn

dear 27 dart....

i hate to be "debbie downer" here but...... there is NOTHING that you can do in your present situation that would not result in you breaking a law in the state where you reside.

if you went to your DMV and tried to get a "reconstructed" title for the dart you have, you would have to explain how it ended up with no VIN. if you tell the truth, you have admitted to committing a felony - "alteration of a vehicle VIN number." if you lie, you probably could be charged with "filing false documents" or at least "false swearing to authorities."

there is little chance that anyone would care about what you did so many years ago as a teenager. HOWEVER, if you attempt to do something "shady" now as an adult with presumably "more sense", you could be setting yourself up for a very uncomfortable visit from the local police.

the bottom line... your dart is only a parts car.... save up your money and look around for another one with a "good title."