Never Forget...

Tough day for sure. Changed the world forever.

I was active duty Air Force at the time. The squadron was on day one of a bi-annual Inspector General Inspection and I was with one of my recruiters in his office watching the inspector as he inspected my recruiters' paperwork. The Navy recruiter came over to tell us about the second plane hitting the WTC and said they have a television in their office. So we spent the next hour watching the television until headquarters called to tell us the inspection was postponed and recalled the inspector back to HQ and all recruiters back to their homes.

My niece teaches 4th graders near Fort Bragg and posted on Facebook today that her students didn't know what "Patriot's Day" was and that many Americans died 15 years ago. Sad, very sad...and shame on the US for allowing it to fade away. We must each do our part to "Never Forget".