the good ole days?

No such thing as latch key kids because we didn't have to lock the doors. I used to wander 2-3 miles from home as a kid when I was "playing" and didn't even know what a pedophile was, never mind being worried about one. Now you can't even trust events that unfold in front of your eyes, let alone take your eyes off of your kids when in public. A dollar was a LOT of money as a kid, especially when you found it on the ground outside the corner store. You could camp over night on the beach and no one kicked you out or charged a fortune. We sang the national anthem at assemblies, listened to it on the school speaker system, as well as said the lords prayer every morning. I don't recall ever meeting any kid whose parents were divorced. A single income from a working man would actually support a set of parents with 4 kids. You could save money in your bank account and actually get interest on it, as well as be able to spend it when you had saved up enough to pay for something. Credit cards were not a thing yet. Getting "shots" in school wasn't an option, seems like everyone survived. We had access to some really cool chemicals to use in science class. I am in the last generation that had to transition from Imperial measurements to metric, and from no internet, to being overwhelmed some days. Star Trek invented cell phones, automatic doors, and replicators.