I Bet You've Never Heard Of A Stupider Law...
I have family in the dairy industry and have a little insight on this. The comment leaves an open door for future federal funding of emerging technologies to use the methane gas created through dairy farming. In your head, you imagine some random farmer hold a trash bag over his cow's fart box, but we are talking industrial dairies with 1000's of dairy cows. The primary focus is to reduce the methane gas created as manure breaks down in landfills. Yes methane in high quantities is detrimental to the environment, yea it dissipates quickly, but it's also continuously being produced. This is considered a very minor pollutatnt, but it's a positive step to reduce the overall stress on the environment in ways we can, until advances in technology allows us to make huge changes. Kind of like changing our socks until we can afford some new boots.
There is alot of wordsmithing and odd language in the bill that all points straight back to funding lines and purpose allocations.
The funding is to reduce methane emmissions, but they are using it to further refine technologies to utilize methane to produce energy to sell back onto the grid, etc etc. Some dairy farmers are okay with the direction it's going, some are not. There is alot of mindblowing stuff in the dairy industry that is basically swallowed up by the Dairy industry's giant good PR and marketing machine. It's not as bad as we think, and far worse than we think.