A few questions for the pro engine builders out there...

How important is it to you to be 'in touch' with your customers regarding their build, from the machining to the recommendation of parts and component choices? Do you leave it up to the customer to decide what he or she wants, or try to steer them in the direction you know will work best for them based on your experience? Do you stay in contact with them, or wait for them to contact you?
Just curious.

Communication before, during, and after is critical. There are somethings I will not flex on, but most things are up for discussion and debate. Experience is part of it, but being told "how it's gonna be" doesn;t work for most people. A solid understanding by both parties is what you want. I like to supply a parts list with my quote so they have something to work with when we're talking. As was said - ultimately the builder's name is on it.