Fastest time with a 268dur cam?!

So I just got off the phone with the guy at Racer Brown. I talked with him for a solid 23minutes, and he could've charged me a dollar a minute and I would've paid! The guy is very knowledgeable and was super helpful!

After giving him all the specs on my build, and my intentions of primary use of the car, these were his general recomondations:

220ish duration @0.050"
450ish lift
Non split duration

That info ironically corresponds quite well with the Comp 268H. It's specs are as follows:

218 dur @0.050"
454 lift


Its not ironic, its the correct cam for that exact combo, however if you call most of the box guys hot line you will find that they recommend that cam about 80% of the time regardless of what your combo is.

The last hydraulic cam I tried in this range was a Howards 267 cam, it ran great. I'm probably going to be using it again.

108 Lsa
267 advertised
220 at .050"
.506 lift
In my opinion, this is a vastly better grind but would require a bit more compression and better than 1.88 intake to take full advantage.