Does anyone know who did this artwork? I think it's someone who posts here.

I can't really say that anyone has ever mistook my Dart Sports for Novas. Maybe they have it seems like.
I posted that more because Dusters being called a Nova is a running joke on the forum.
While filling up on day after work, I do distinctly remember a hot young lady asking me if it was a Charger. (Steady there, old man. Just get the gas nozzle in the car)
But her boy friend may have sent her over to find out. IDK.
So, most people do mistake Dart Sports for Dusters. Less often is the person that may see "Dodge" on the beak or know the difference.


You know, I had my Duster in at the alignment shop yesterday and everyone that came in and looked at the car knew it was a Duster. With except of the idiot who came in and asked
"that got a 383?"
No,5.9 magnum. 360.
Ah. That's a fury right?
Fury, duster, basically the same car.

Then after we let the lift down he saw the twister scoops and he asked
What'd you get the hood off of?
Came on the car
Not from the factory
Yes it did. Look up Duster twister
I know about those and the scoops were smaller! That's NOT a factory hood.

I just shook my head and shut up.