Too much gear?

Well I checked timing with my other light, it was same as the other one. Throttle is going wide open also. Valve Springs all look good, measured with caliper are still 1.68-1.70 installed height. The lash however was off on the few I checked, like over .030, didn't have a lot of time to mess with it but I will run all the valves and check where they were at. I also checked my header gaskets, passenger side had a leak on #2, will have to put news ones in. I also did a compression test and got 190-200 with one at 185. Does that seem high? My old cam was advanced 4 degrees and was [email protected], compression test on that was 180-190, I thought this cam would be lower with more duration? Will too much lash cause more cylinder pressure? Making a bigger cam act smaller? Think I will check it again after lash is set.