Manifold heat control valve.

No expert but that looks right to me based on our current project......when the spring heats up the flapper should direct the exhaust flowdown and out.....cold, its "vertical", directing exhaust up into the hot box.

did you replace your spring or refurbish what you have? Ours broke and couldnt find the replacment kit anywhere for less than a couple hundred bucks so I just bought a Dorman manifold .

I'm reworking mine...although I may do what you did and replace it. Yheat riser 1.jpg ou said "vertical when cold." I'll have to check that out as mine is "closed in the cold position. I may have the valve in right, but the spring loaded wrong. The other concern that I had was the manual talking about a counter weight. What is being call a counter weight on mine is a "lever" made from (what looks like) sheet steel. (see picture) There is nothing that resembles a weight. It does look like the same thing in the manual though??