the good ole days?

We move a lot (Navy) and have lived in 8 different places across the Country, both urban and rural in the last 15yrs. So far, no child abductions or murdered on the side of the road for helping a stranger. Most people are polite and courteous, hold doors for each other, say hello etc. just like they did 25+yrs ago. I wave to the neighbors, they wave back.

The biggest difference I have seen is the fear factor people have about society "Stranger Danger!". I meet parents (and especially grandparents) who are absolutely convinced that their kids are going to get abducted the moment they are out of sight. When you research the data about child abduction, molestation, rape, etc. the overwhelming majority is done by family members and family friends. But decades of tv drama and national news headlines has people convinced otherwise so they helicopter their kids and keep them inside or restricted to the driveway.

I'm not absolutely convinced that society has become more dangerous as much as our perception of it has.

Baltimore, Chicago, NYC, Philadelphia all have places you best not be. Huge difference between South Carolina and Baltimore. There is good and bad in both places. The difference was striking.