How Gearing Effects HP from 1-3rd in 727's

So, if it only works on the pump-shot
does that mean it does nothing during cruising, and
once the pumpshot is burned up, again it does nothing?

If that is correct, I think it will be a hard sell.

No, it is very effective at vaporizing a lot of fuel very quickly without causing restriction, but it also has the ability to reduce Hydrocarbons and Co2 considerably as well as increase mileage. I didn't want to really say all that because it is hard enough for people to believe I got a 35% increase in HP. But yeah, it vaporizes the fuel, however much is there.

At top end, the increase is less, but at lower RPM's the increase has only been tested starting at 2000 RPM maintaining speed, then flooring it. The same guy, the owner of the dyno was behind the wheel, so he could do it rather consistently, but this just proves that further testing needs to be done I'm afraid.

I am as curious to see what it does with TBFI as you guys are about how it works...

I will keep this forum posted...