super commando LP Rockers?

part number is 5153850 listed right in the new mopar perf book at large port super commando heads.

the mopar tech (of course not always correct) said that he hears 50/50 on if they use the W2, or standard. Unless guys are using steel W2 rockers on factory shafts with no spacers, they definitely wouldn't work on mine. The cranes i ordered were way too offset on the intake side. The mopar book calls the special rockers (that were never produced) offset .350 in the scheme of things a hair over a quarter inch isnt much i know, but factory deals sit PERFECT on the springs. i believe the w2 carries almost a .750 and the rocker body was huge.

how such conflicting info and applications are out there i will never know, leave it to mopar.

So how much offset was required? Was it .350"? Hughes offers that offset for the big mouth heads. I think the TA rocker offset is .500" and w2 offset is .775".