Anyone using stock ECM and harness?
I believe you'll run into issues with the transmission - The factory uses a input from the ABS sensors to regulate the shift points, speed, firmness type crap that new autos do... I used a factory 2005 harness from a Ram and a 2008 SRT8 Magnum harness and made my own for my 6.1L swap in my Charger.... took a day to make the wiring work - granted I used a reprogrammed PCM and manual trans. I am planning on going to a full stand alone... gives me flexibility to modify and tune without sending the PCM out or paying for a tune that is "close"
I had made a PDF somewhere about what wiring modifications are needed to run the 5.7 / 6.1L engines with a factory harness and posted it on Protouringmopar but the site is deceased. I'll look for it sometime if you need it.