Well, I just broke my 360 block. Terminal?

Went to install the oil galley plug that goes above the rear main cap, 1/3 of the way up toward the oil psi sender. Couldn't find what size it was, got in a rush 'cause I'm going back to work tomorrow, so I checked the holes at the front of the block (under the cam plate) and found they measured the same. Assuming they used the same plugs, I started to drive a 19/32 plug in the hole. Halfway into the cap surface, I blew the hole out into the bearing saddle. If the chunks come out, the back 1/4-1/3 of the rear bearing has no backing on that corner. Started throwing ****, took some pictures, and walked away. The felt pen mark is about at the back edge of the bearing.
Probably shouldn't run it without full support under the bearing, could it be welded and remachined? Of course, I waited until the block was completely done before doing this...hoping it's not a $1k mistake.