Title a car with no VIN?

Before you go through all that contact your State Police . If you are straightforward with them , they can be your advocate in obtaining a title . Sometimes they can issue a salvage title and you can obtain a clear title from that . Try not to listen to bureaucrats at your DVM because they sometimes don't know the law and can give you the wrong advise . It is part of the State Police's job to do service like this . Do not take your car to DVM as they may confiscate it on the spot . If your car is on your property they can't take it without due process . In Massachusetts the S.P.'s do this all the time and even issue VIN's , as long as the car isn't stolen . In New Hampshire , and in other states , if a vehicle is 20 years old or older a title isn't necessary but a VIN is . Good luck and don't give up . The odds are on your side .