Great truths that little children have learned:

My kids remember We'll-see,as later-for-sure. When they were little, no meant no, and to them, everything else meant later. So they told me when they got a little older.After that, pretty much everything was a no!

No! you can't have a cat. No! you can't bring that in here! No your pot-smoking beer-guzzling teeny-bopper boyfriend is not welcome in the house! No we're not getting one of those! I said you need to get better friends! OK, get rid of that loser and you can have a cat! But you have to take care of it! And you have to take it with when you're old enough to move out!
Cat it was! Good choice! But guess who bought the catfood. And the litter,etc.And guess who inherited the cat when she moved out.Damn cat lived nearly forever. And guess who paid to "bury" her! Did you know a well-cared-for cat can live to 15?Yeah, me neither....:(